Keikalla olleen fanin kertomus:
"Last night I went to Miley Cyrus' concert in Manchester, OMG she killed it, amazing. But, it was full of really young kids {and parents} who were most probably expecting a Hannah Montana concert, well they were shocked..
None of them knew any songs and they sat the whole way through the concert! After the show, me and my friends ran round to the gate and after a few minutes 3 blacked out vans came out. In the first was Noah and Braison, the second was Miley and the third was Metro Station.
Just as they left the venue, the vans were stopped at traffic lights so everyone ran over to Miley's van. A girl banged on the window so hard and miley got really scared, but then she smiled a huge grin! Then so many people were running through the traffic to get the vans that they just went through the red light to get away. It was a great night and Miley seemed so happy! :)"
Video keikan osuudesta missä Miley esittää kappaleen Party in the USA. Biisin aikana Miley teki taustatanssijalleen pilan jossa Mileyn ojentama hattu onkin täynnä kermaa. Taustatanssija levittää Mileyn päälle myös osan kermasta. Näytti ainakin olevan hauskaa. =D
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